Sasquatch Close Encounter Network for Interspecies Communication

Welcome to the

Sasquatch Close Encounter Network for Interspecies Communication

Our objectives:

To facilitate a peaceful and spiritual approach to interspecies communications and relations.

Promoting non-violent spiritual ways to contact non-Human intelligence and especially Sasquatch.

Helping people to develop connections with Sasquatch, providing information, counseling and support.

To document communications between Humans and non-Human intelligence, mainly Sasquatch.

Offering a website for experiencers to share about their communications/interactions with Sasquatch.

Recording in written, audio or video files, the accounts of Sasquatch experiencers and communicators.

Making available to the public the first hand accounts given by a number of Sasquatch communicators.

To create a network of Sasquatch communicators and other paranormal experiencers.

Encouraging Sasquatch communicators to connect together and share experiences and knowledge.

Promoting public education about Sasquatch through online networking, documents, videos and events.

To produce intensive research, interviews, documentaries and texts, from encounters in many regions.

Visit our blog

See our promotional video on Youtube:

Note: All the books advertised below are available both in Paperback and in eBook. 


Volume Three: Spiritualist Pacifism and Wisdom Keepers

                                                                                 658 pages



On the Paths of Spiritualist Science, by SunBôw TrueBrother

372 pages





Spiritualist Tribes and Communities

506 pages



Hairy Humanoids from the Wild 

Encyclopedia of All Things Sasquatch 

& Disclosure of Inter-species Communication 

by SunBôw TrueBrother 

An unprecedented comprehensive study exploring in depths all the aspects of the Hairy Humanoids phenomenon. 

364 pages, 100 illustrations. 

Book cover and back ISBN right size

Order HERE!

The Sasquatch Message to Humanity,

Book series authored by SunBôw

Book 1: Conversations with Elder Kamooh (Updated link)

Book 2: Interdimensional teachings from our Elders

(Updated link)

Book 3: Earth Ambassadors Cooperation (Updated link)

A collaboration of ten international co-authors.

Please support SCENIC with donations:

via Paypal:


Your donations will go to help develop SCENIC with covering expenses for transportation, working space, recording equipment, producing documentation, maintaining the website, organizing events and for media outreach. Thanks.


Affiliated groups and pages on Facebook:

The Sasquatch Message to Humanity 

Scenic – Sasquatch Close Encounter Network for Interspecies Communication 

SunBôw TrueBrother

Sasquatch Family Reunion 

Sasquatch Shamanism 

The Spiritual Sasquatch 

Sentient Sasquatch 

Sacred Sasquatch 

One United Nation for the Great Earth Peace 

Wisdom from our Elders 

Affiliated websites:

The Sasquatch Message to Humanity 

Ironwood Log Project 

Join us in the Disclosure with our Cosmic Family!

By Jessie Oliver-Laird (about The Sasquatch Message to Humanity book series)

Got them all a month ago! Reading and loving… heart hugs… Miigwtech 💜

I’ve been communicating with them for approximately over 20 years now. Comforting and beautiful to read someone else’s accounts too. Also connecting them to the star beings the way I know them. Your work is highly appreciated, as interspecies communication can be mind bending and a lonely experience at times.

Chii miigwetch🙏💚
“Breathe with the Heart”-The Sasquatch Beings🥰

Sasquatch tribe

Testimonial by Jessie Oliver-Laird

By Ashley Hinze, Airis Illustrations

Art has always been a big part of my life. Being an artist has taught me a lot of life lessons too. Some of the major lessons I’ve learned being an artist are to be a quiet observer, to feel into my surroundings so that I am able to understand it, and to translate what I see and feel into a cohesive visual story for all to see and feel for themselves.

I am incredibly grateful that it has led me to the most amazing opportunity. Creating the cover art and having another art piece of mine on the back of the book is an absolute honor. As an artist, I don’t want to just draw things that are pretty… My desire is to illustrate visual stories that are important to our society.

The Sasquatch Message to Humanity is by far the most powerful message I have ever read in my life. Deep in my core after reading each session DawaOutah LomaKatsi (Sunbôw) had with Elder Kamooh has helped me to deepen my understanding and remember the history of how we are all interconnected and family—We are all ONE. Elder Kamooh paints a vivid picture to humanity in his message, and also holds a mirror so that we can see what it is that we can do as individuals to help inspire everyone else collectively.

Thanks again Kelly Lapseritis and Kewaunee Lapseritis for giving me an opportunity to add my energy to this passionate collective message and work of art. 


Testimonial by Ashley Hinze