
The Ghillie Dhu from Scotland

The Ghillie Dhu from Scotland: Most of us in the field have heard of the Ghillie suits... Like many others I presume, I had been fooled in thinking that the name ''Ghillie'' was an abreviation for ''gorilla'', but the real origin of the name is rather different...


Enigmatic ancient ape-men statues of eastern Ukraine

With the ongoing wars and world events causing an accelerated destruction of our ancestral heritage and ancient monuments, I felt compelled to re-share this post addressing very briefly the secret ancient civilizations of Ukraine...


Washington state proclaimed Sasquatch its official state monster

This is just the last attempt in a series of previous efforts to have Sasquatch recognized and protected in Washington State... This is good news, although the title ''monster'' is a little odd. But at least, Sasquatch is starting to be recognized officially...


Sensing Sasquatch, exhibit at High Desert Museum, Oregon

“Sasquatch has captivated people in the region and, indeed, throughout the world. However, what many people don’t know is that Native Americans have had deeper relationships with Sasquatch throughout time. Rather than the popular, mainstream view of Sasquatch, this exhibition shows Sasquatch as a protective entity for many Indigenous peoples of the High Desert. The exhibit reflects the reverence that Native peoples have for Sasquatch and will be centered on Indigenous art, voices and storytelling.”


More Chiye Tanka teachings, by Stephanie Big Eagle

More Chiye Tanka teachings, by Stephanie Big Eagle: Here is another short clip by Stephanie Big Eagle rich in Indigenous ancestral teachings about our Elder Brothers, the Hairy Humanoids. Wopila for this advanced knowledge.


Shape-shifting Bigfoot, video by The XenoHunter

Shape-shifting Bigfoot, video by The XenoHunter: This 7 minute video describes Native knowledge about Sasquatch's ability to shape-shift, with a first hand account...


Giant Hairy Humanoid depicted in Ancient Rome

In one scene, a Hairy Humanoid of gigantic size with very long arms is clearly seen, but it is hard to figure out what the story really tells. I googled a few photos that might help us solve the mystery. See for your yourself...


Chiye Tanka teachings, by Stephanie Big Eagle

Chiye Tanka teachings, by Stephanie Big Eagle: In this 3-minute video, Stephanie Big Eagle shares a wealth of knowledge about Sasquatch, from her tribal Elders. Speaking truth and wisdom for the enlightenment of all...


Bigfoot is now the Big Thing, account by Mare Cromwell

Bigfoot is now the Big Thing: While still mostly considered as folklore, the legend is well alive and the public interest in Sasquatch keeps growing...

Cultures, Message

Precious archives of Hopi Elders teaching

These rare and precious videos archives show two renown Hopi Elders offering original and timeless sacred teachings, more actual than ever. In 1986, I had the honor and blessing of visiting both of them in their homes...