SCENIC readers’ mail

SCENIC readers’ mail:

Greetings and blessings to our SCENIC readers,

Many of you have probably noticed that we have posted less in recent months and the site activity seems more quiet than it used to be, due to availability, circumstances and other involvements. Naturally, the less we post, the less traffic, views and feedback we receive, although there is never less than 100 daily visitors in quiet times and many more in busier times. However, this doesn’t mean that we are not kept busy with replying to an abundant mail, offering different forms of guidance, which goes unnoticed behind the scene.

Among the readers’ emails we receive almost daily, most are inquiries requesting info on various topics, consultations about personal matters, or questions regarding our written content or any other subject. There are also experiencers accounts submitted of which we have published over 90%, but in some cases the text is too short or unintelligible, too much off topic, or in rare cases, extremely long with too many unrelated details of whereabouts and/or too many repetitions, either within the same text or from previous posts.

There is also a number of readers who write out of friendship, to share personal news that at times are unrelated to SCENIC or anything Sasquatch. Then, there are occasionally some experiencers who share their accounts, sometimes in well written texts that might include photos or videos, but decide to keep it private and don’t want it published, often sharing it with me mainly to receive confirmation and advice for their individual progress. This is all fine and part of the services I offer freely, as part of my dharmic mission.

However, with the hundreds of first hand experiencers accounts I have heard, read and published over the years, their experiences have more to teach to the public, which is the main purpose of this website, than to its webmaster. Hence, when submitting your experiencer account or related material, please keep in mind our readers to whom it should be addressed. Your submissions can be posted anonymously at your request, or under a pseudo of your choice, if you prefer your name not to appear in the post. By contributing to the content on SCENIC, you help this bank of archives expand and reach out.

Finally, without counting a considerable flow of promotional ads, our mail also includes a modest number of readers who offer their thanks and support, whether with technical or promotional services, collaboration on articles or interviews, recommending, liking and sharing our content on social media, sending their resources and links, or with an occasional donation.

All these forms of supports and contributions are always welcome and appreciated, to help us continue our work with SCENIC for a 7th year. We would like to remind our readers that you can browse through our 1000 archived posts and use the search engine on the top right of each post to find what you look for among our content with key words or topics, or use the archive box under it to search by date. Please, rate and like our posts if you can and feel free to share in your networks, with the share buttons or links. Your positive feedback, comments and testimonials are always welcome.

After investing over six years of efforts to keep this SCENIC website alive and active, having reached the maximum extent of our organic growth through continuous networking on various platforms including paid advertisements, we welcome all your help in assuring the continuity and quality of this circle.

With the growing online censorship, shadow ban, war of algorithms, selfie contest culture and the ever increasing flooding of shallow content, it becomes extremely hard for independent content creators just to keep afloat. As an example, my latest interview aired last Sunday was removed twice within a couple hours from my own FB profile, with warnings of restrictions to my account for posting ‘spam’ and ‘misleading content’.

You probably notice that I often write as ‘we’, because as the creator of SCENIC, I cannot take all the credit for this collective effort and for the contributions so many have made towards the flourishing of this community. This includes a team of spiritual allies working on other fronts and on various levels, sometimes behind the scene, often anonymously, but whose sustained support and dedicated efforts contribute to the greater good of all.

This being said, without further ado, I am sharing below a few selected examples of emails received in the last month or two, referring to various topics and content not all our readers might be aware we have published. Hoping these few samples provide an idea of what SCENIC provides and that you find interest in reading them. Thanks and best blessings to you all…


Reader 1:

Hello, I am Anton Parks, well-known author in Europe and also in the USA thanks to the web channel. I just came across your web page regarding the Hopi and White Bear (Oswald Fredericks). The author of this topic indicates that he knew White Bear well. It also places part of the French translation (here translated into English) of a book which I was responsible for putting online on the Internet in 2006. I would like to get in touch with him. Would it be possible to respond to me by email? I would like to know if he knows more about the “old spaceship parts” of White Bear? I am currently preparing a new book and the subject is based on the revelations of White Bear. Can I have permission to use the photo of White Bear in black and white where he poses in front of vegetation? Thank you for taking the time to read me. Awaiting your reply, All the best


Greetings Anton, Thanks for your interest and for reaching out. This is SunBôw who manages this website and authored those texts. I indeed met White Bear three times at his home (near Prophecy Rock), each time to receive a wealth of teachings. I also translated that text from French, which I found online, thanks for putting it out. These teachings must be heard. 

To answer your questions, I don’t own the copyrights to the photo. I just found it online and with extensive search I could not find more than two or three photos of him, as he was not so much of a photo op guy and he passed before the internet caught on. I believe he did not even have a photo of him in the Book of the Hopi, for which he was one of the main sources. 

Regarding the petrified spaceship parts in his front yard, I visited after his passing and noticed they had been removed. I inquired with his family and they said they had cleaned up the place and gotten rid of his old rocks, possibly taken to another undisclosed location. So the trace of those artifacts got lost. 

I have mentioned these experiences and teachings in detail in my books and in various interviews, including one for a Japanese magazine a few months ago. The knowledge of those wisdom keepers is worth carrying and transmitting, for the betterment of human consciousness. I’ll be interested to hear about your book when it comes out. If you have questions, don’t hesitate. 

Best blessings… 

Reader 1:

Hello SunBôw, Thank you very much for your answer. I didn’t know you are an author, congratulations to you. I am attaching an image which should interest you and which produced for its channel about my book “The Book of Nuréa”. My study for my next book concerns White Bear’s information about this continent in the Pacific where the ancestors of Native Americans lived 80,000 years ago…

Could you enlighten me further regarding these parts of spaceships that White Bear knew? On the pages of your website, you explain that it’s “old parts of space ships” and in your email you specify that it’s “petrified spaceship parts”. What is it exactly? Fossils or metal parts? Do you have one or more photographs so I can understand? 

When did you meet and talk about all this with White Bear? As you may know, at the end of his life, he divorced his wife Noami. White Bear then lived in Kykotsmovi Village and died there. I have another question: was it in Kykotsmovi Village that you met him and did he have these artifacts in his yard? Thank you so much for your extreme kindness. All the best


Greetings Anton, (…) From what I understand, White Bear (whom I met in 1986-87) referred to Tiahuanaco being destroyed 80,000 years ago, an amazing site I visited in Bolivia. He was in fact talking about Puma Punku, a sector of that site which has some of the biggest monolithic portals and megaliths on Earth, where signs of destruction are obvious, while most observers notice that the nearby site of Tiahuanaco was most likely rebuilt from the ruins of the first city. The Hopi refer to the sunken continent in the Pacific commonly known as Lemuria as Iatik (Yatik), the Red Mother. 

I figure the article you read must be this one: 

It was a reedition with additions of a previous post: 

There’s not much more I can add about the spaceship parts other than they were old petrified pieces of twisted mechanics of all different shapes, looking like rusted metal but feeling like mineralized stone, yet rather light for their sizes, ranging between a few inches to a few feet across. I found enough myself in that one ruin where they came from to build a meter high pile in no time. That village used to be the largest Hopi village, but was destroyed by the katsinam some 800 years with fire from heaven. There was an artificial accelerated mineralization process involved, as seen in many other sites, since the people too were turned to stone and their remnants form red pipestone, just like in the famous Minnesota Pipestone site, which was an ancient collapsed city. I wrote several times about that Hopi site I visited on many occasions and its history could fill chapters. However, although I had saved a few artifacts back then, it’s been decades and I haven’t kept any to this day, nor did I ever take any photo of them. 

I found similar artifacts in the Blue Mountains of Australia in 2020, including an entire petrified spaceship with turbines, cockpit and all. I posted a few photos in this article, that barely do justice, but give an idea: 

Here’s a short article I wrote about a Hopi flying shield story: 

The following is a short post about Hopi and Sasquatch, from my last visit with them in 2017:

Here’s a series of 8 articles I revised and republished together, about Hopi Knowledge, an extensive study covering lots of topics:

Here’s a short video archive with a couple of great Elders I had the blessing to meet:

This is a link to a free eBook published by a friend, it’s a fantastic well documented research about Native prophecies including Hopi:

There is more info in my books about these topics, namely in Book 3 of The Sasquatch Message to Humanity series in which I described my last journey on Hopi land in 2017, but mainly in my autobiographical series Contemporary Shamanic Journeys, in which I detail 40 years of spiritual learning and practice, with three volumes already published. 

All links to my books are on SCENIC homepage:

I hope you can find your answers and more in these resources. Please be kind enough to like and rate our posts, and if you find them useful, please share, recommend or cite the author’s website or books as relevant sources. We also appreciate donations, the links are on the homepage, as in the header menu in the ‘Donate’ button. Best blessings on your journeys… 

From the Book of Nurea, by Anton Parks

Reader 2:

Hi Sunbow, I’m not sure if you’re aware but recently there has been a film released called “sasquatch sunset” or something like that, I came across it last night when watching a movie reviewer on YouTube (at my friend’s house, I don’t usually care for movies at all) who attended SouthxSouthWest Convention (some type of media convention) talking about it. The few scenes that I saw and the way they were depicting our friends made me so incredibly upset and angry. They depicted them as disgusting, primitive, stupid, violent, destructive things. And I know such depictions can energetically hurt our friends, hence why they choose to distance themselves from most of us. I believe about 20 different “actors” and “producers” were listed as producers / executive producers of this film, and some of them are very well known. The reviewer himself was quite confused at this movie. As am I. My first thought was that this is what the elites want the general public to think of sasquatch as, (obviously) and whoever has a genuine understanding and interest may be ridiculed as this depiction is associated with them.

I had previously talked to this friend (he is of Aboriginal Djabugai descent) about the sasquatch (or Yowie here) and he is accepting and respectful of my belief (not that there is anything to “believe” because in fact there is much proof of their existence) in them, but he’s a very skeptical person which I respect and understand. The movie succeeded in its goals, I felt embarrassed, started doubting myself and questioning myself. At first I was so incredibly angry at this vile and false depiction of such loving, intelligent, gentle, spiritual beings, but then I was so affected emotionally by what I was seeing I became mute, sad, just so let down, of course my friend didn’t notice but honestly, I felt kind of stupid for feeling so sad and affected by this. I am very sensitive and an “empath”, so perhaps there is some other positive meaning to this movie? Maybe I am being overly cynical?

I guess my question is, and reason for this email, do you think I am overreacting to this depiction, and what exactly do you make of it? Do you think all of the people involved knew what they were doing, or they just tagged along with whoever decided to create such nonsense? And I sincerely hope they don’t know of it, but if they did, what do our elder brothers and sisters feel about this? How does something like this, created by humans and released to the public affect them and what can I do to help? What do you think they would say? Here is the video, it’s the first movie he reviews. I don’t wish to watch it again because I don’t want to make myself feel upset and angry again.

Kindest regards,
Claudia (I commented once before on an article here about AI images)


Greetings Claudia, Thanks for reaching out. Yes, I’ve been made aware of that low grade class B despicable attempt at a movie and I have zero interest in watching it, because I’m also an empath and try to avoid exposing myself to mind control dumbing down and bad magic casting spells on the collective psyche. Do not worry about how you feel, it’s the normal reaction every sensible person should have, especially when we know those relatives.

I have felt hurt and offended for years with the tons of spiteful and ridiculous content circulating about our forest Elders, because this last movie is but just another speck in a mountain of dirt. Indeed, it only takes a quick search to find well over 100 to 200 bad quality horror movies made about our hairy humanoid relatives. This is not only due to ignorance, but as you felt, to a well orchestrated effort to ridicule, discredit and difame anything that has to do with interspecies communication, as the kabbal notices how fast and wide the info and interest about them has been spreading worldwide. Poor attempt at low blows from an ill intended evil elite compromised in dark schemes, but sadly it will detrimentally affect the masses who still follow the programming of the lower lords. My advice would be not to give them too much attention or thought, as that’s the goal of their game. 

Focus rather on what uplifts and enlightens your consciousness and it will grow in strength, so it will become easier to spread the truth, as this is the best action we should do to counter the effects of the enslavement of the evil doers controlling this world by subliminal witchcraft and spells. For example, I never watch any horror movies or low degrading type content because it’s poison for the mind and soul, that’s precisely why they put it out. Just like avoiding junk food improves physical health, so avoiding junk feed for the mind helps to keep a sane spirit. 

I hope this clarifies the issue for you. Best blessings on your path… 

Reader 3:

Greetings of renewellness to you and all around  you, Sunbow  ~ 

In January of ’23 you were really kindly responsive in sharing some moments of discussion by way of ‘Zoom’. Along with this, I’m continuing to be thankful to receive what you’re sharing through your newsletters. And in recent days have been really enjoying again all you are sharing with Kamooh’s Sasquatch message for humanity  –which is now at least a third reading and is for me even more relevant and meaningful in compassionately logical information and insight being presented with so much care and urgency  –yet with a great spacious evenness of facts in a healthy perspective of non-judgmental honesty. Along with this, I’d like to share a couple more things, but rather than making this message longer it will likely be less tedious for both of us if I make a short mp3 voice recording to send along soon as an email attachment.

(SunBôw: The message was an invitation to the Spiritual and Cosmic Informers Conference in Colorado, which I declined, having other projects at home.)

Reader 4:

Hello, it is my dream to go Sasquatch Days in Harrison Hot Springs but I have been unable to go thus far, I am very very curious on the myth or stories behind the dance or rituals the Sts’ailes people do for Sasquatch. What is the reason they dance, is it an offering or to give thanks, the hope for something? Is it a specific event that is commemorated? Any help or guidance or secondary materials to read would be greatly appreciated.


Greetings Harris, Thanks for reaching out. The Sasquatch Days were first celebrated in 1938, with the support of Indian agent John Burns, to honor the Sasquatch. It’s a rather unique Native-led event, in a town dubbed the Sasquatch Capital of the World, with a collection of statues and a small museum. The site itself is worth the sight, but to visit it, the Sasquatch Days is surely the best time.  There is of course a touristic and commercial aspect to it, but nice cultural activities, with tribal dances, art display and outdoors activities. I’m sharing below a few links about the event and my visits there. Please, rate and like our posts if you can and feel free to share. 

Sasquatch Provincial Park and Harrison Hot Springs, the ”Sasquatch Capital of the World”:

Native Sasquatch Dance, at Sasquatch Days, Coast Salish, Harrison Hot Springs, BC:

Sasquatch Days 2019, in the Sasquatch Capital of the World, photos, videos and account:

I hope these will help you with your search. Best blessings on your journey…

Reader 5:

Hi Sunbow, in your fascinating account: A Cryptid well alive: the Marsupial Lion or Bunyip, you didn’t describe the feet of the Marsupial Lion. Did you see them, and can you describe them for me? I am researching this Cryptid after photographing a unique footprint this year that has been independently, intuitively identified as relating to a Marsupial Lion. A week ago I was further influenced by a unique call coming from the bushland of Ku- ring-gai National Park, thirty kilometres north of Sydney, NSW. The call was from a dimensional being and with the energy of an idea humans know it as the Marsupial Lion. I have studied footage of the last Tasmanian-tiger in captivity and its paws are not similar (see link below). Thanks, Jeremy.


Greetings Jeremy, Thanks for connecting with us. In the article, I included a photo of front paws tracks, which gives an idea of the size and shape, but not of the details, as it was in mulch. It’s a large roundish footprint at least six inches across, with visible fingers and big claw marks, vaguely resembling that of a big feline such as a cougar. They are indeed rather different from thylacine paws. I’d be interested to see a photo of the track you found. 

I added more details from my research in this follow up article (see link below):

As for the cry, it sounded like some of the most eerie and blood-curdling scream I’ve ever heard, a mixture of snarls, growls and screeches, quite frightening and imposing respect. Not sure I mentioned it in the article, but with a couple friends, we had a standoff with the beast days before I had my close encounter, while cooking meat outside at night. It was snarling at us from the dense bush, about 100 meters from us. We could see its shining eyes, but my friends couldn’t figure out what it was and basically brushed it off. It was about a week or two later when it came right close to me one night when I was alone at camp. It was fearless, defiant and aggressive, with bright shining green eyes staring at me like prey. I understood why the Originals prescribe to stay out of the bush at night, not to cook meat after dark and avoid the water holes where the Bunyip is known to live. 

My encounter was near Gondwana World Heritage, northwest of Sydney. The Blue Mountains also count hundreds of reports with possibly the only footage ever taken. I felt their presences there and heard local stories and legends about them. They are called Mirragan there, the ”tiger quoll”, and there’s a cave with their name and legends surrounding it. 

As mentioned in my text, I met about half a dozen witnesses who described to me their sightings of such black panther-like large and swift predators, between Victoria, NSW and QLD. The government of NSW had compiled over 500 reports within the last 20 years, while trying to explain them away as mere feral cats. I hope this info can be useful for your research. Let us know of your discoveries. Please, don’t forget to rate and like our posts, and feel free to share and refer readers to our content. Best blessings on your quest… 

Reader 5: Thank you Sunbow. I appreciate the additional information in your email. I know the Blue Mountains well, especially the Megalong Valley where I saw my first Yowri, and as I am learning slowly at some point in the valley I saw a cryptid black panther. However, my memory was removed at the time. Your article, More about the Bunyip, mysterious large black panther-like marsupials, was very helpful. To be able to identify from the 4 species of Marsupial Lion made it easier to identify with the Priscileo species that influenced me with its unique call coming from the bushland. It was the perfect size for what I saw.I’ve attached the photo of the foot/paw print I took in January this year. I’m writing an article, The footprint that fooled me, and I will send it to SCENIC soon.


You’re welcome. The Megalong Valley is particularly a hot spot for the Mirragan/Bunyip, with many reports and some rare footage. That’s where I felt them, especially near some large caves overlooking the valley. I also found a petroglyph of one in a cave nearby. The photo looks very much like the tracks I saw. Lots of Yowie activity around there too. You’re welcome to share your article with our readers. Blessings…

Reader 6:

Greetings Sunbow TrueBrother, My name is Michael Cox and I have been building a relationship with the Sasquatch People for the past 4 years. My first contact, that I am aware of, was with a Male named Anku who came and energetically scanned my body after I had reached out and expressed interest in connecting with the Sasquatch People. Some time later I was contacted by a female and have been learning and doing energy work with her and others. She guided me to your books which I have read all 3 and read certain parts many times. I recently asked the People for support of where to go next on my spiritual journey and I was told to go to Oklahoma, that there are elders there who are happy and willing to work with me. I got the sense the elders where human and sasquatch. My psychic connection is not very strong yet, however I am fairly certain they directed me toward the Osage nation. I am reaching out in hopes that you can help connect me with some people out there so that I can talk with them and they can feel the truth of my energy. I have more to share and I am happy to talk on the phone so that you can feel the honesty in my energy. I also highly encourage you to reach out to your friends and Loved ones within the Sasquatch community so they can tell you about me. When you have a chance please e-mail me back if you feel guided to support my journey and if you would like to talk on the phone I will happily e-mail you my number. I am also happy to pay you for your time and support.

Many Blessings to you and all your Loved ones


Greetings Michael, Thanks for reaching out. Glad to hear of your connections with the forest Elders. Consulting Native Elders and medicine people is usually worth it, if you can find those who have the knowledge you seek. I don’t have any specific contacts in Oklahoma that I could recommend. There’s a big famous Bigfoot fest there, but more for the monster hunter type, it seems. For spiritual seekers, I would recommend the Sasquatch Family Reunion. Its 9th edition will take place in June in Washington State. I’m leaving you the link below.

There are other similar events of which you could learn with people in that group, many of whom I know personally. I hope this info will be helpful for you. (…) Best blessings on your journeys… 

Reader 6:

Greetings Sunbow,  Thank you for the quick reply and thank you for the advice of where I may be able to connect with others. I very much appreciate it. This has been a transformative time for me, and for many others on the planet at this time I think, where something as simple as an e-mail can provide growth as long as I am open to receiving it :). Many Blessings to you and all your Loved ones.

Artwork by Raven Thunder aka Kagi Taka

Reader 7:

I am wanting to ask Sunbow if he came to Australia in 2005-6 as I was working at the aboriginal community near Uluru NT and some one came and gave the rock a Indian peace pipe, new buck skin and a sage plant. They did not take the sage plant to the rock but I cared for it and when I left I tried to take the sage plant with me but it died when it left the rock! cheers. Dizan


Greetings Dizan, Thanks for reaching out. This is SunBôw. I went to Uluru, but it was in 2020. We did a ceremony in Kata Tjuta and left offerings (see link below). Glad you received medicines from this side of the sea. Best blessings on your walkabouts… 

Reader 7:

Thank you so much for replying  to my question . I have 1 more question. Are there Sasquatch in Australia ? They have been burning the dry country for years. Cheers and warm hugs for your journey ahead.


Greetings Dizan, You’re welcome, it’s my pleasure to help seekers on their quests. To answer your question, there are certainly Hairy Humanoids in Australia, as in most parts of the world, and there are various types there, some of which I met while down under. They have a variety of names in different tribes, too long to list here, but they are best known as Yowie, and in the south more as Dooligah, which are taller. There are also short ones called Junjeri, Nit-Nit or Nimbinj, among many other names. If you go on SCENIC, click on ”articles” in the blue header menu to get to the blog; you will see a ”Search this site” box on the top right, just under the video. Enter Yowie, Dooligah or Junjeri for instance, or any other related topic you want to search and you will find dozens of posts with articles, interviews or videos. 

I’m giving you a few links below to help your research. 

The first one is an interview I gave on Yowie Central, an excellent Australian podcast about the Yowie.

This next one is an interesting episode on the same podcast with two Original Elders.

Ancient Yowie rock art:

An experiencer account and one of my own encounters in the Yowie Triangle, QLD:

Thermal images of a Yowie in QLD:

Here are a few clues that I hope will help you find some answers. But feel free to browse and search SCENIC for more articles and videos. And if you like our posts, please rate (5 stars), click the like button, refer and share our content.

I go in much deeper details in my books, especially in the Encyclopedia of All Things Sasquatch – Hairy Humanoids from the Wild. I’m leaving you the link here. The links to my other books are all listed on the SCENIC homepage. 

Thanks for your interest. Best blessings…

Reader 7:

Thanks you really appreciate your reply; I love the truth about earths real history! Cheers

Reader 8:

Salute Sunbow! I’m happy to hear you found tracks close to home, really cool they led you to a branch structure. I drive a transport truck at night to Kingston and back. The highway 401 has given me too much anxiety so I switched my route to North Bay. Much more peaceful highway with Sasquatch crossing sightings in the past. Behind the terminal in North Bay where I switch with a driver from Noranda, there is a large forest which blends into a marsh which connects to Lake Nippissing. I was by myself when I felt as though the forest had eyes on me, maybe a presence. I am only there at night at around 1:30am. There is no activity in the area. I am going to start a gifting site in the forest once I do some night exploring. This is a video of a tree that is somehow growing oddly. Your video of branches resting in the Y of a branch reminded me of this tree anomaly. I found this tree in the forest close to my house. I used to meditate there often but the farmer removed the cattle walks I used to get there. Now I would have to hike through his crop to get there so winter is easier going in. Same forest where I filmed a branch structure which you posted. I  looked for that branch structure and it was gone! I hope all is well.

Video and report by John Paterson

Reader 9:

Bonjour, Je souhaiterais savoir si il est possible d’acheter vos livres en Français, car c’est vraiment très important pour moi. Je vous remercie.
Bien cordialement


Bonjour, Merci de nous rejoindre et de manifester votre intérêt. Pour le moment, il n’y a que le premier livre de la première série qui est disponible en français. Je vous laisse le lien ci-dessous vers l’article sur mon site qui contient le lien pour rediriger vers le distributeur. Les liens pour les versions anglaises sont sur la page d’accueil. Mes autres livres devraient éventuellement être traduits et publiés en français, mais c’est un projet de longue haleine qui ne se manifestera pas avant l’an prochain. 

Cependant, le roman anthropologique que j’ai écrit et publié en français il y a une vingtaine d’années est aussi toujours disponible en version électronique. Voici le lien: 

J’espère que ces infos répondent à vos questions. Merci et bonne lecture… 

4 thoughts on “SCENIC readers’ mail”

  1. Hi SunBow – Thank you for sharing your letters. This message is for Claudia — Just a note to say there is one film that gave great consideration to how the relationship between a human and Sasquatch was portrayed. Filmed on a property where there had been interaction. A sasquatch communicator was consulted to assist with the project. I interviewed the communicator – she is deceased now.

    “Kathleen Jones Odom was the consultant for the film, ‘Letters from the Big Man’ – Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun-Times said “unlike any Bigfoot movie you have ever seen,” Amy Taubin of Artforum Magazine found it to be a “must-see… I believed every minute of it.”

    The film – Letters from the Big Man.

    Credit Filmmaker –

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello! How interesting, it has been a while since I’ve done much Sasquatch reading and research (since I was doing so basically everyday for a few months back) as my life has gotten a lot more “busier”, and anyway, during one of my pizza deliveries a couple days ago the fellow that answered the door looked “exactly” like SunBow, not that I am entirely familiar with his face (never seen him in person), but his energy as well seemed kind and very gentle, but for a second I thought, what is he doing here in Australia???? Lol. Anyway, I forgot about that interaction until today, this Saturday while relaxing I had the urge to visit the good old Scenic Sasquatch and I am surprised/excited for this movie recommendation! Many many thanks to you anonymous, just thought I would share as synchronicities and “veil thinning” occurrences and experiences had totally came to a halt for a few months, now they are becoming more frequent again and I am now so grateful whenever I can validate or put my intuitive sense to use. I have a feeling this “veil thinning” is in part due to the many X class solar flares/ CME being produced by the sun lately, and may be having an impact on my physical body, but that’s just my opinion, and not entirely relevant to the topic… Anyway, Bright Blessings to this very special community!


      Liked by 2 people

      1. Thanks for sharing your news Claudia. There is no coincidence, only energies aligning. They have to with the solar flares and everything else happening. Well, you’re not the first one who sees me where I’m not. I might have a few doppelgangers on the loose doing their share while I rest. hahaha…


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